Serving God in the Heart of Stoke-on-Trent

 The Hanley Team Ministry is based in the City Centre of Stoke-on-Trent, in the Diocese of Lichfield.

We have five places of worship, offering a variety of worship styles and traditions.

We aim to be a visible sign of Christ, with a passion to Serve God in the Heart of the City.

For all information regarding our churches please contact :-

Rev. Phillip Jones, Rector of the Hanley Team Ministry

email or 01782 922540


contact Derek Durber on 01782 219147 or via e-mail


Assistant Minister….Rev. Gill Shilkoff

Strategic Missioner….Rev Mike Bridgewater

Worship Leaders….Glenys Paterson, Winnie Wilshaw,

Chris Turner, Mary Chanot, John Bennion.

To discover more, please feel free to click on any of the links below...









    • January 2025

      • [events in bold usually are held weekly]


        Mondays                       Cobridge Kiddies                    Christ Church                             09.15

                ‘Little Duckies’ Parent and Toddler Group                St. Matthew’s              10.00

        Tuesdays                      Lunch Club                                Christ Church              12.00                                                                       

        Wednesdays               Places of Welcome               St. Luke’s                               08.30

                                           ‘Drop-In’                                  Christ Church                        10.00

                                         ‘Nana Mag’s’                            St. Luke’s                               13.00

        Over 55s                                   St. Matthew’s                         13.30

         Thursdays        Coffee & Chat                           St. Mark’s                                   09.30-11.3J0

        Fridays             ‘Open Door’                               Christ Church                             09.00



        Other Events taking place in January


                        18-25   Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

         Tue      28        PCC                             St. Matthew’s               19.30



        Save The Date

        9 – 11 May 2025

        St. Mark’s

        ‘Under One Roof’ Celebration at the conclusion of the project.

        Service 11 May to be led by Bishop Matthew


Christ Church Cobridge

Holy Trinity Northwood

St. Luke's Hanley

christ church cobridge is situated in a busy and diverse part of the city. worship is held on sunday mornings at 9.30am and a mid week eucharist is on thursdays at 10 am. Each Friday morning the church is open to supply a hot meal to those who are h…

christ church cobridge is situated in a busy and diverse part of the city. worship is held on sunday mornings at 9.30am and MORNING PRAYER IS HELD EACH thursday at 10 am. Each Friday morning the church is open to supply a hot meal to those who are homeless or finding it financially difficult to buy food. this is run by an organisation called Sanctus. If you know of anyone in difficulty please let them know of this service.

holy trinity is a beautiful little church set is the community of northwood, quite close to the athletic stadium and is 171 years young. worship is on sundays at 9.30 am with sung eucharist. morning prayer is held every thursday at 9.00 am and this …

holy trinity is a beautiful little church set is the community of northwood, quite close to the athletic stadium and is 171 years young. worship is on sundays at 11.00 am with sung eucharist. once a month evensong, from the bcp is observed. many of the other activities held by the church take place in northwood parish hall and if you would like information on these please refer to the hall profile underneath.

st. luke’s wellington is in an area of re-development and is situated across the road from st. luke’s church of england (aided) school. it is close to the main shopping areA of hanley and very near the caldon canal. worship is held every sunday morn…

st. luke’s wellington is in an area of re-development and is situated across the road from st. luke’s church of england (aided) school. it is close to the main shopping areA of hanley and very near the caldon canal. A SERVICE OF HOLY COMMUNION is held every WEDNESDAY morninG at 11 am


St. Mark's Shelton

St. Matthew's Birches Head

Parish Hall

st. mark’s is the largest of the churches in the team and was built in 1834 making it 186 years young. it is reported to be the largest church in the lichfield diocese, apart from the cathedral itself. it is prominent feature on the skyline and can …

st. mark’s is the largest of the churches in the team and was built in 1834 making it 186 years young. it is reported to be the largest church in the lichfield diocese, apart from the cathedral itself. it is prominent feature on the skyline and can be seen when approaching into the city from all directions. In the coming months it is hoped that a new Community project will be set up in the church under the banner of “Under One Roof” Funging for the project has been obtained from the Heritage Lottery Fund. All being well bulding renovation work on]in January 2023.

st. matthew;s is the most recently built of the five churches within the team and worship at 11 am on sunday morning. every tuesday at 9 am is when morning prayer is said and is followed by their mid-week eucharist and on thursdays, evening prayer i…

st. matthew’s is the most recently built of the five churches within the team. every tuesday at 10am is when A SERVICE OF HOLY COMMUNION TAKES PLACE. the church also hosts many activities each week INCLUDING HOSTING AN over 55 club ON A WEDNESDAY. once a month, messy church is an exciting activity where children from the local schools and their parents attending. if you require further information, on any of the activities, please contact the rector, whose details are above.

Our hall is in use most evenings during the week, there are a variety of activities taking place. on mondays, bingo once a fortnight. tuesdays seethe brownies and guides. a games club on thursdays and a youth club every friday. on saturdays the hall…

Our hall is in use most evenings during the week, there are a variety of activities taking place. on tuesdays see the brownies and guides. a games club on thursdays and a youth club every WEDNESDAY, RUN BY THE Y.M.C.A. on saturdays the hall is used for worship by the seventh day adventists and on sundays by the eRUTREANc hurch. if you are interested in hiring the hall please contact, derek durber on 01782 219147.




The Church of England

The Hanley Team Ministry is part of Church of England.

Find out more about the Church of England here...



The Diocese of Lichfield

The Diocese of Lichfield is one of the largest in the country covering Stoke-on-Trent, Stafford, Shrewsbury, Telford, Wolverhampton, West Bromwich, Walsall, Burton and Lichfield.

Led by our Diocesan Bishop the Rt. Rev. Michael Ipgrave we have been commissioned to 'Come Follow Christ in the Footsteps of St. Chad', looking at the key themes of Vocation, Evangelism and Discipleship.

Click here to find out more about the Diocese of Lichfield...


Safeguarding in The Hanley Team…

The Hanley Team Ministry is committed to Safeguarding and take our duty and obligation to protect all extremely seriously.

We have adopted the National and Diocesan Safeguarding Policies.

You can find out more about our policies and procedures here

We review our Safeguarding Policies regularly during the course of the year. DBS checks are in place for all of our key workers. Especially those working with children, young adults and vulnerable adults. Also all members of our DCCs and PCC are a DBS check as a matter of policy and these have to renewed every three years.

A safe recruitment of volunteers, for Church activities are recruited via due process. These include interviews and references are obtained. Safeguarding co-ordinators identify their counterparts in Faith groups locally and build and maintain communications with them.

We maintain and undertake Disclosure and Barring Service checks for the Diocese. e will check all persons with leadership roles, either professional or voluntary and as stated with members of our Churches DCCs and our PCC or working with children or vulnerable adults for suitability of background, in o\rder to identify any risks based on Any non Hanley Team Ministry groups, churches or congregations that us our churches or hall, must satisfy the PCC that they have a Safeguarding policy in place. if they do not have one, the PC C will present our police to them for adoption. The PCC will also ensure that full compliance of Health and Safety legislation. The Parish adopts the guidelines of the Church of England and the Diocese and will report and record in line with the Diocesan policy. Each person who works with vulnerable people will agree to abide by these recommendations and the guidelines established by this church and will sign a declaration. stating that they have read and agreed to this policy.


If you have any safeguarding concerns or issues on a safeguarding matter

please speak to our Safeguarding Officer, Mary Chanot on: (01782) 271262



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